When I write, or speak, about happiness, it's usually about how much it will improve your own life. How as long as you stay happy and smile all the while, life is that much better! Tonight I feel the need, pressed upon me by the frowning face and negativity seeping from across the cell, to tell you yet another aspect of the good that comes out of happiness: And it's happiness! (imagine that!) for when you refuse to let life get you down the positive vibes you have will be passed on to any and everybody around.
People feel it just as they will feel negativity, just as I feel the negative thoughts seeping out of this mans mind and scattering their sorrow all across the cell! But I'm fighting back! My happiness has armored up and battled his negativity out, in an INSTANT! Yet when he felt that he ran, escaped to the next, and only other, room.
This is the kind of person, or mood, we commonly refer to as "negative Nancy". Something about positivity kills them! And the only way to help them is to wait, invite them to open their minds, and with hope they will realize positivity feels better!
But for the rest of you to help, smile! Start the chain reaction! Be a real friend and as you take the frown from your face, take it from people around you....you can do it!
Hi Robbie...don't know when you will get this but I just wanted to let you know that I put money on micah's books today, in case you talk to him soon...and please apologize to him for it taking me so long...I wasn't as quick as I usually am and I hope he hasn't gone with out because of my laziness. Tell him I tried to see him today but his time was already gone.. A day late and a dollar short...story of my life...lol hope this finds you well, if I can do anything else please don't hesitate to ask. Keele