Thursday, February 26, 2009


Nothing makes me more frustrated about Micahs situation than missing his call. We are still down on our internet here and waiting to get it fixed. Since we have a VOIP phone it works through the internet. I am about to climb the wall trying to get the phone company out to fix our line. They have fixed once and looks like it may be an ongoing struggle with all the wind.

In the meantime I just received two really good posts from Micah that I will post today or tomorrow, when I get time to get back up here to the internet and get them posted. I have ordered two books that I am going to read and see if they help. They were written by a mom who has a son in jail for life. She is a motivational speaker by profession and it will be interesting to see what motivation she has to offer in this situation.

To date Micah has sent me 99 poems for his book. I am going to be sending some our for review and editing. If anyone has some spare minutes and would like a couple of pages to look at, check spelling and grammar feel free to write me or leave a comment and I will contact you about mailing you a few pages. It is a lot of reading and writing. It is about 40 pages worth.

I am so glad he has undertaken this project as it gives him something to think about. I am still trying to digest the fact that he is in a cell with a 33 year old man who is making his life difficult, as a Mom I just want to go and tell him off. Well in the meantime I read and learn a lot of things to do and not to do to make his life easier. They do have lots of ideas and input not only from people who have been there, but people who have people there for a very long time.

My friend Ruth offered to do a guest blog for this site also. If anyone else would like to do a blog about Micah please let me know and I would love to post it. Remember he will see this someday and will be tickled pink that we all thought about him everyday and remembered him.

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