This picture is a little fuzzy, but still has the Micah attitude written all over it. I got to talk to him yesterday and he is doing great. Well great relatively speaking of course. He has not been doing much writing because the pencil sharpener in his new cell is not working too well. He has finally gotten to move into a new cell. His old celly was such a downer he is thrilled with his new cell.
He is now with two as he calls them "really old" guys. That means they are probably over 40 or something. They have good stories though and one thing Micah loves is a good story. Maybe it will add to his writing.
Micah said the Coconino County was so nice yesterday they put three jelly beans on their cake for lunch! Woo Hoo! He is sooo anxious to get out of County. It is just sooo boring there. They don't offer classes, no exercise yards, no nothing.
I pointed out that at least he got to talk to me and girlfriend unlimited. He said not to be rude of course but he would take the limited calls if it meant getting out of County. Boredom is a drag to be sure.
hello..im ricky, ive been friends with micah since his sophmore year, im one of the kids he was with almost everyday after he got back from costa rica and befor for a while. and i was one of his roomates int he house he stayed in right beofr everyhting happened..after everyhting happened we all moved out of ther and kinda went our seprate ways do like i have just been workin all the time andlike i dont really talk to people that kno what like going on so ive always been tryin to like find out like whats going on with micah and what not but have been unsuccessful of finding out but lately ive finally been like finding out when his court dates are and what not but have had to work on those days and it sucks cuz i really wated to go to them to support him...back when we first started hanging out we didnt get along to well and everything but then we became good friedns cuz we were always around each other then the stuff happened between him and bradnen ad we all lost touch with micah but then maybe a year ago or so he came back into our friends and then he moved in with us and of course we were around each other evryday..and we becam closer again...and even though we might not have got alonge all the time and argued sometime he was the probably the most funniest person i have ever met in my life and one of the chillest...i would seriously do anythign for that kid hes one of my boys...and im sad to like think that he thinks that im not there for him becuz i havent gone to his cases or anything or seen him or anything nad it sucks..i just wanted to see it u could let him kno i am still there for him and support him and hopefuly ill have his next court day off and ill be there...i woke up this morning and just strting thinking abou thim for somereason so i went online and just tried to find things out about like whats going on and what not and i found this and i think this is amazing cuz now i can get cought up on everyhting..i spent allmorning just reading all the blogs...and of course he stil has the sense of humor whch is amazing and sounds like the micah i kno...well im sorry i wrote this on a coment i didnt kno how to like do it another way...so if u could let him kno im there for him and his still one of my bnoys i would greatly appreciate that...i hop maybe he will to??...well if u need to get ahold of e my email is trublink82fa@efgmail.com..bye