Friday, April 3, 2009


I got to talk to Micah today. It was good to talk to him and I enjoyed his good humor. He was talking to his Dad about the new book he is writing. He is really into Greek mythology right now so he is writing a modern version of Odysseus.
When I asked him if he was writing any poetry he said "Mom that is so last week, so old school, so old news, now it is the novel".
I suggested to him that it would be really cool if he printed it really neatly and we published it in his handwriting. I asked him how many people handwrite their own books? He was just quiet then started laughing.
"You are just trying to get out of typing it up, you can't fool me!" Ok he caught me, I hate typing and I am also literary illiterate. As in I can't even begin to edit or add anything to his work. Hopefully he does not expect me to do anything other than type it up, because that is my limit of expertise when it comes to writing.
He is hoping to find out something concrete about his case in the coming weeks, as of now we know about as much as we did about eight months ago, nothing. Oh except eight months ago the other two boys were in jail too, but now they are out and enjoying the lovely spring weather of Flagstaff.
It is funny but Micah never ever talks about that fact. He just tells me to chill and not to get angry or sad, because that does not help him or the case or myself. Like he says "don't worry be happy".

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