Saturday, May 8, 2010

Mothers Day

Tomorrow is Mothers Day in the U.S. I do not really enjoy Mothers Day too much anymore. There is a saying that a mother can only be as happy as her saddest child. For some reason on Mothers Day I think a lot about my boy that I cannot see and get a hug from.

The holidays are always the roughest for all of us, and I'm sure they are much worse for Micah than me. He has been super bummed out lately and I am so anxious to get out there and visit him a few times.

I have not seen him for a year now and it has been tough on him. I am just so thankful that his brothers visit and for all his friends that keep visiting and writing.

I have taken to writing him really long, really boring letters of our adventures here in Costa Rica. I think they help him sleep. He has not been drinking coffee due to limited funds so I think sleeping has become much easier for him.

If anyone gets over to see him the next couple of days tell him his Mom loves him a ton and can't wait to get over and see him. He really is a blast to visit with and at least I will get to talk to him on the phone today, can't wait!!!!

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