Monday, August 30, 2010


I don't think I am being biased when I say that Micah inspires the heck out of me.

If I am having a bad day all I need to do is think about him and it can jump start my mood. He lives in a 8'x10' cell with someone that he never gets to get away from. He has to eat whatever is put before him. His idea of exercise is 1200 push-ups, 250 pull-ups, and 1,000 trips around the table.

When Micah calls me I choose my words carefully. If I decide to be a negative Nancy he will call me to the carpet faster than anyone's business. Don't you dare tell him that you are having a "bad day". He will set you straight really quickly.

As he said in one of his poems from his book "Coffee With Apollo", "I have been diagnosed with a bad case of optimism". That is so true.

When you go visit Micah he will have you doubled over laughing. It may be the latest blond joke he has heard, a funny story about his time in Coconino County, or maybe a stand-up about the latest book he is reading.

Last time we were visiting with him he started listing the books he had read as his Dad corrected his grammar on all the titles. These were all books he had never even heard of, just took the librarian's word on the fact they were good and read them.

Last week Micah asked his lawyer if she had read "War And Peace". She said no that she did not usually read 1,000 page books. He gently pointed out to her that it was actually 1,700 pages, and she should read it.

How many 19 year old's have written a book at all? Especially a book of poetry and prose? The real kicker? Two years ago the only book Micah had ever read were the Harry Potter books. When I received his rough draft for his book I was blown away. His spelling was perfect, and he used words I had never even heard of. Not that I have a huge vocabulary, but I have read quite a bit.

Now I am really re-thinking the whole unschooling idea. Even though he has had his share of problems, and had to live through hell the last two and a half years, he has risen above all that and is making the most of his life.

That is inspirational!

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