Monday, October 5, 2009


Micah wanted me to thank everyone who thought of and sent cards and wishes for his birthday. He saved up all his goodies and enjoyed them yesterday. We talked twice to celebrate the day and it was great. It is like we can have him sitting here with us hanging out when we get to talk for a longer time.

I was thinking last night how thankful I am that Micah is being so good humored about this whole thing. How difficult this would be for his family if he was whining and crying the whole time. I would feel so helpless and sad if he was crying and depressed when we talked. He has never, not holidays or any other day showed any sign of being sad or down.

Last year on his birthday they woke him up at midnight to have him change into big boy scrubs and move him into the big boy pod. That was a difficult time for him and I am still thankful we were able to visit him in that time. Unfortunately he has adapted to the sick and twisted environment he is living in and is just doing his time first in coconino county and then onto who knows where.

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