Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I Love Letters!

Micah does not understand why I want him to write to me when we talk three times a week. The deal is I feel he expresses his feelings better in letters than on the phone. When we talk on the phone he seems a bit preoccupied with what is going on around him. He mentioned in this letter that they are short staffed at Coconino County, therefore more lockdown time for counting. That is a drag for them. Imagine having to be in your room at a certain time every day so someone can count you.
At any rate I wanted to share a line from his letter to me.

"I just have to have tunnel vision and know this will all end, because sometimes it's hard to believe that freedom is actually out there. But I keep telling myself that it is out there, and it will come sooner than later. Everytime the officers choose me to mess with, everytime we get locked down for nothing, everytime they raise the prices and press the charges and insist with an arrogant walk that they're better than me because I'm a "criminal". I have to tell myself there's a better life, because if freedom was nowhere in my future, stopping myself from doing something reeeeal stupid would be harder than it already is! I just want to get on with life, I want this whole thing done, I feel I've learned my lesson and crime is a part of my past, I don't understand how they're benefiting by keeping me in here, losing money and taking my sanity one day at a time!"

Can you see why I love his letters?

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